What will the fees be for this upcoming Spring Season?
- Registration for the 6U Division will be $170.00.
- Early Bird Registration for all other Divisions will be $185.00 till December 15th. Starting December 16th registration will be $225.00
What does Registration Include?
- Jersey, Pants, and Socks
- Picture Package
- Trophies/Medals (for older divisions)
- Practice/Game Fields and Lights
- Umpire Fees
- League/Player Liability Insurance
- League Expenses (Softballs, Equipment, Chalk, City Park Fees, Insurance, Website Services)
When will Registration close?
- Registration for the Spring Season will open on November 20th and will close on January 11th.
When will Evaluations be?
- Evaluations and Uniform Sizing will be held on Saturday, January 11th at Suzanne Park, Field #3. Times will be posted the first week of January.
When will practices start?
- We are hoping to begin practices January 20th.
When will games start?
- Games will begin on February 24th.
Do we have to work Snack Bar Hours?
- Snack Bar hours are required for all registered players. A refundable $50.00 snack bar fee will be collected during registration. Once snack bar hours are completed, you will receive a refund on the original form of payment.
Will there be any Fundraisers?
- For the 2025 Spring Season, we will have one League Fundraiser. All registered players will be responsible to sell (10) Raffle Tickets at the price of $5.00 per ticket. Raffle Ticket money will be collected during registration. Raffle Tickets will be given out the first week of practice. The drawing will be held on Opening Day.